To keep your mouth and smile healthy, preventive dental care is absolutely necessary. For this reason, we offer a wide range of preventive services at Louisiana Dental Center. These include regular cleanings, exams and oral screenings to improve your oral health and ensure that potential dental issues are detected and treated as soon as possible. Potential dental issues could be anything from gum disease to tooth decay, or anything that compromises your dental health.
Preventive care in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is used to help you avoid such problems and treat them before they cause significant damage requiring restorative care. This is why it is so important to visit our office regularly, and our dentists use every visit as an opportunity to monitor your oral health, diagnose any issues and treat them before they become serious.
Your dental hygiene habits at home also make a big impact when trying to prevent cavities and other problems. Some of these include:
- Brushing twice and flossing once daily.
- Visiting our office twice each year for cleanings and exams.
- Asking our dentists about other preventive treatments such as dental sealants or fluoride.
- Maintaining a balanced, nutritious diet and limiting the amount of sugary and acidic foods you eat.
Reach out today at 225-478-8484 to schedule a consultation and learn more about the preventive dental treatments at our office.